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Hybrid Surfboards
Wave Range: 2 ft. - Overhead
Wave Type: Beach Break, Points, Hollow Reefs
Fin Setup: Thruster/Quad/Five Fin
Best in Class: Lost, Rusty, Channel Islands, Firewire, DHD, JS, Xanadu
For anyone who doesn’t have an unlimited board budget and needs a surf craft that can handle a multitude of conditions and wave types, the modern hybrid is an awesome choice. For decades, there was a trend to be hyper-focused on one style of board, whether it be a longboard, shortboard or fish. However, with the modern hybrid board, shapers have combined elements of many types of surfboards to maximize stoke.
While the hybrid has existed for some time, there is no doubt that it hit the pinnacle of cool and popularity in what surfers will some day refer to as the “Dane Era”. Dane Reynolds ushered in a new way of thinking when it came to the design elements of the modern shortboard. Al Merrick and Channel Islands Surfboards worked with Dane to create the Dumpster Diver, a hybrid that borrowed elements of the fish to create a high volume shortboard that was shorter and wider than an average thruster shortboard.
Since the Dane revolution, every shaper in the world has adopted hybrids into their lineup. While many shapers such as Matt Biolos of Lost Surfboards had hybrids in their lineup before Dane showed up and blew the doors off of the surf world, there is no doubt that Reynolds sent the popularity of hybrids into overdrive.
The true beauty of hybrids is that they allow surfers in areas like Southern California to remain focused on high-performance maneuvers and turns even when the waves are subpar. From Lowers to Rincon, hybrids are the board of choice for many surfers and are the closest thing to a one-board quiver available to average surfers. If you’re looking for a true daily driver, stop into Hansen’s today and check out our full range of modern hybrid surfboards.