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Surf wax is a perfect stocking stuffer for someone that may already be getting a bigger present under the tree (maybe something that floats and is used for riding waves, if you know what I mean). If there are no new boards to be seen, every surfer still needs to use wax on a regular basis. Its cheap, doesn’t take up much space, and of course is super practical.
2. Fins
Fins (and a fin key) are also ideal for a lucky family member receiving an extra special, foam and fiberglass gift. They are a necessary addition to a surfboard, and fit perfectly into a stocking!
Photo by Paulina Svenson (Instagram: @paulina_svenson)
3. Bikini
Surprising a family member with a trip to Costa Rica for New Years? What better what to hint at that than putting a bikini in their stocking! Even though we’re well into wetsuit season here in California, I can assure you, a new bikini will always bode well with the surfer girl in your family.
4. GoPro
This is for the surfer that already has everything. They’ve got enough boards with complete setups, and now, they can document every session with a pocket (or stocking) sized camera. Even if your tech wizard already has a GoPro of their own, they can always use more GoPro accessories!
5. Sunscreen
The sun’s harsh rays do not cease to threaten the precious skin of your family’s surfers during winter, so sunscreen is very much a year-round necessity. No better way to remind your surfer just how much you care about them than to toss a stick of zinc into their stocking!
6. Sunglasses
Again, that Mr. Sun does not like to take a break. Sunglasses are a stylish and special gift to put into your loved ones’ stockings and are especially important to anyone who spends quite a bit of time looking at the glaring ocean (i.e. surfers).
7. Socks
Sometimes, after a particularly icy surf, our piggies get a bit cold. Socks, while long-mocked as a “bad” gift, have actually become something of a specialty item over the past few years, with companies like Stance making fashionable and comfortable socks that will warm up anyone’s frosty feet.
8. Watch
Tired of your S.O. being late for dinner because they were out surfing? Have they ever used the excuse that time just got away from them? Well, if you give them a new surf watch, they will always be able to keep track of time, and look darn good while doing so.
Photo by Paulina Svenson (Instagram: @paulina_svenson)
9. Beanie
The wintertime headwear market is dominated by the classic knit beanie (sorry raccoon-skin hats, maybe next year). Beanies have been a staple for decades, and for good reason. Even here in mild-weathered San Diego, our heads get cold, and sometimes, we have bad hair days! Beanies have been my best friend on some stormy surf contest days over the years, and they are a timeless stocking stuffer for a family member of any age.
10. Ding Repair Kit
The sad truth is, sometimes, our beloved boards get boo-boos. Occasionally, bigger dings need professional attention, but for the most part, little accidents can be fixed easily with a home-repairs kit, saving the time, money, and hassle of bringing the board in. This is probably the least fun item on this list, but when the surfer in your family finds themselves in a pickle, they will be so stoked that they found that tube of Solarez in their stocking!